Our lives can be so complicated, with all the new products and fast foods that are meant to make our lives so easy. It's just those new products and fast foods that may be destroying our lives and bodies as we know it.
I find it hard to believe that I can buy a .99 cent hamburger that will close off my arteries at any drive thru, yet if I want a salad it will cost me over $5.00. Something is really wrong with this picture. We are so busy with having families, going places, having fun, who makes time to cook any more? Our lifestyle is slowing killing us.
I rarely do a drive thru now, I cook more than ever now! I've always enjoyed cooking, but have changed my of seasoning over the last few years. No more bacon fat, biscuits, and gravy for me. I will be sharing my new tasty menus and ideas with you in blogs to come.
All of us have to eat, why not make it fun, tasty and colorful?
I have to admit, when I first went Gluten Free, I was so bored and thought my love affair of food was over, little did I know it had just begun.
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